Campus Updates & Reminders:
Congratulations on making it through your first week! We know it’s not just the kids getting back into the school routine, and we are so thankful to all of our families who are committed to a great year, too!
The traffic loop has been operating fairly smooth, so kudos to you all! Just a few reminders:
- Cars pulling up along the curb are for quick drop off and pick up. This is not used for parking. If you need to park, please look for a spot in the lot.
- We know our lot fills up fast. There is no parking along Alhambra or Loyola. However, there is street parking available in our surrounding neighborhood that is just a quick walk to our campus.
- Please be aware of all signage in our lots. We have several drivers headed the wrong way. All of our lanes are ONE WAY arrows.
- Also, please be aware of any red curbs or “no blocking” areas. This includes in our small “side lot”. We have had a few cars blocked in this week due to cars being parked in these red curb areas.
PTO Message:
We love volunteers and have lots of great opportunities to get involved that work with many schedules. Sign up for opportunities at https://korematsupto.org/volunteer
- Scanners needed for the Bike/Walk to School Active4Me program. Opportunities available all school year, M-F in the mornings from 8:10 to 8:35am.
- Class representatives are needed for each classroom. Opportunities are for the full school year and will require about 1 hour of work per week, mostly via email. There is some in-person time required.
- Jog-a-thon is quickly approaching! Volunteer as a committee member, prep person, or day-of-event support. This is a fun event that gets the entire school engaged. Join us!
PTO is sponsoring a choir program open to 4th through 6th graders. You can sign up for this program using the QR code emailed to you by Mrs. Andrews earlier this week or find it in the office.
Are you interested in signing your child up for the Active4Me Bike/Walk to School program? Do so at https://korematsupto.org/
Social Justice Corner:
Our first month of our “Speak Up Session” assembly series is here! This month we will be recognizing Hispanic Heritage month. We are excited to kick off some great social justice learning this upcoming Wednesday with our students.
Here’s a great video from PBS that gives a brief overview of Hispanic Heritage month: https://ca.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/4e982b0c-8c5f-4ebf-8add-ca692a1cc099/hispanic-heritage-month-all-about-the-holidays/
Important Dates:
Monday 9/2- No School (Labor Day)
Wednesday 9/3- Early Release Schedule
All TK/K 8:30-11:50
1st-6th 8:30-1:35
Friday 9/6- Frozen Friday! $1 Popsicles for sale after school at the MPR patio. Proceeds from this fundraiser support our 6th graders upcoming science camp!