Campus Updates & Reminders:
With Halloween being next week, here are a few reminders about school expectations with costumes. Costumes should have no blood or gore. Fake weapons are not permitted on campus. If there is a mask, it must be off during the school day. Please consult your child’s classroom teacher to determine if they have plans for Halloween and will be permitting costumes in the classroom that day.
As we head into November, conference week (November 18-22) is quickly approaching. More specific information about how to sign up for a conference with your child’s teacher will be coming directly from the teacher in the next week or so. TK and Kindergarten will operate on their normal schedules. 1st-6th grade will dismiss at 12:10 with a lunch option from 12:10-12:35.
PTO Message:
During conference week, we will be hosting a potluck for our teachers. We would like to provide lunches for the teacher all week to show our appreciation for their hard work! This is a fun Korematsu tradition that can only be done with the help of all of you! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0F4AAAA729A6FD0-50585356-fall#/
That week will also be having our fall book fair to raise money for the library. Sign ups for shifts to work the book fair will be available soon.
Social Justice Corner:
Did you know that October holds other important celebrations? During October, Filipino American History Month is also celebrated. Check out this great article shared by Ms. Tejada that talks about the history of the Filipino Farm Workers: https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2015/09/16/440861458/grapes-of-wrath-the-forgotten-filipinos-who-led-a-farmworker-revolution
Important Dates:
10/29- Last Day of Running Club (1st-3rd)
10/30- DPU Author Talk: Ned Johnson (https://www.davisparentuniversity.com/) – 7 pm Brunelle Theater
11/8- No School/ Teacher Workday
11/11- No School/ Veteran’s Day
11/18-11/22- Parent Teacher Conferences (TK/K on normal schedule; 1st-6th dismissal at 12:10)
11/18-11/22- Scholastic Book Fair
11/20- Monthly PTO Meeting (7:00; Room C-20)
11/25-11/29- No School/ Fall Break