Campus Updates & Reminders:
Next week is our Fall Safety Week. During this time, we explicitly teach and practice our major safety drills with our students. Inevitably, these drills can bring up some worried feelings and questions from our students. Take the time to talk to your child about any feelings that they may have during this time. We reiterate to our students that it would be very rare for us to deploy emergency plans and that this is just an opportunity to be prepared. Please reach out to our counselor, Kayla Steuber ([email protected]) if your child could use an extra check in this week.
As part of our Safety Week, we also do a communications test through the DJUSD Communications Department. This is scheduled for Tuesday. You should receive a text message/ email from the Communications Department confirming that you are set up for emergency messaging. If you do not receive it Tuesday, please let the front office know, and we will get you set up with our district department.
PTO Message:
Join us in the Quad on Friday, October 25th at 5:30 p.m. for Spooktacular! This free event is a Korematsu community-builder. Costumes are strongly encouraged. Please bring a bag for treats and a blanket or chairs to picnic and watch a movie in the Quad. Concessions are available to purchase – pizza slice, bag of popcorn, bottle of water, and Alex’s Lemonade stand. You may also bring your own picnic dinner.
The evening starts at 5:30 p.m. with a Treat Trail. Teachers will be handing out candy or toys at their classroom doors. At dusk, a movie – soon to be announced – will start.
It may get cold, so bring a jacket or blanket (or two).
Yesterday our students ran a combined 9,423 laps at our third annual Jog-A-Thon fun run event! Congratulations to each of our students for their accomplishments!
There's still time to donate online or turn in a paper pledge form. Student's final lap counts will be sent home with their Lap Card and will be posted soon on 99Pledges as an updated lap estimate. All donations are due by 3:15pm Tuesday, October 15th. Individual and class prizes will be announced next Friday, October 18th. There is more than $27,000 pledged so far to support our students at Korematsu Elementary School, and there's still time to collect pledges until Monday! What an amazing community we have for our students! Thank you!
Social Justice Corner:
This month we had the privilege of welcoming two special guest speakers to talk about their experiences as individuals with disabilities. Angela, a former Korematsu student who has Autism, shared how she engages in the community. Lisa, a disability advocate, special educator who teaches how to use assistive technology, and paraplegic, shared how she uses her wheelchair and other adaptive equipment to navigate the world around her. The biggest message that our guests shared is the importance of inclusion. Here's a great video they sent us about a local business that uses inclusion practices when hiring individuals with disabilities: https://www.abc10.com/video/news/local/sacramento/103-fec51287-ded5-4181-8f02-803e3a8ca7c6
Important Dates:
10/14: No School- Indigenous People’s Day
10/17: Monthly PTO Meeting (7:00pm Korematsu Library)
10/25: Spooktacular