Campus Updates & Reminders:
We are in the second trimester swing of iReady assessments for 1st through 6th graders. Over the next few weeks, your child’s classroom will participate in the second round of diagnostics in reading and math. Results from these assessments will be sent to you by the second report card period in late February. As a reminder, these are opportunities for students to “show what you know”. This data does not impact grades, however, is greatly important. Teachers use this data to help instruct each student at their personalized achievement level.
You may have noticed our new building construction is well underway (and ahead of schedule!). We are aware that the new addition of contractors has been impacting our traffic flow and parking. I am working with the construction lead to mitigate the traffic issues as much as possible. Please make sure to leave yourself ample time for drop off and pick up as we notice more congestion over the next few weeks.
PTO Message:
Our annual Missoula Theater production will be coming back to campus this February! This year’s production will be featuring Hansel and Gretel. More information on how to sign up will be sent in the coming weeks. In the meantime, mark your calendars for the week of February 10-15, 2025. Auditions will be held February 10th.
Social Justice Corner:
January is all about our school’s namesake, Fred T. Korematsu! We will be holding this month’s “Speak Up” assembly on January 30th, Mr. Korematsu’ birthday. All month long, we will be highlighting the life and legacy of Mr. Korematsu.
- When Pearl Harbor (Hawaii) was bombed during WWII, the American government gathered all Japanese people living in the USA and forced them to relocate; Fred refused to go
- Arrested and sent to a makeshift jail
- Filed lawsuit in 1944 saying arresting Japanese Americans was unconstitutional
Important Dates:
1/13-1/17- 6th Grade Science Camp: Sly Park (Departure at 8:30 Monday)
1/15- PTO Meeting (7:00 PM in the Korematsu Library or Join Online using Microsoft Teams | Meeting ID: 255 943 832 260 | Passcode: zjnmPV)
1/20- No School (MLK Junior Day)
1/21- Take Out Tuesday at Black Bear Diner (Fundraiser Code 553-537-330)