Campus Updates & Reminders:
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We are so excited to begin another great year with your kids! As we get the school year started, a few new procedural updates and gentle reminders to make sure our days are safe and smooth:
- Campus does not open until 8:10. Campus supervision does not begin until 8:15.
- TK and Kinder students should be dropped off at their classroom door at 8:30AM.
- All students (1st-6th) should hang their backpacks outside of their classroom and then report immediately to the playground. There should be no loitering in the hallways or outside of the classrooms. Students will not be let into their classrooms before 8:30.
- At 8:25 the warning bell will ring to have all students line up. Teachers will pick up their students from the playground lines at 8:30 to begin the school day.
- The parking lot has ONE-WAY traffic. You can enter through the entrance on Loyola and exit onto Alhambra. All traffic lanes in the parking lot are one-way, moving traffic towards the Alhambra exit.
- The curb is for quick loading and unloading. Please have your child ready to exit the vehicle quickly. The left lane is for through traffic. DO NOT have your child exit the vehicle or try to enter the vehicle from the left lane. All students exiting and entering vehicles must do it from the right lane, closest to the curb.
- Parking is limited in the lot. If you are planning on parking and walking onto campus, please be aware of car and foot traffic moving frequently.
- Please note: there is no parking on Alhambra or Loyola Drives.
- Traffic drop-off and pick-up lines tend to be long. Please give yourself plenty of time to get through the lines. We will be moving traffic as swiftly as possible, but lines tend to develop in the surrounding neighborhoods.
PTO Message:
We are excited to spend another year supporting our school and classrooms. You can join PTO by paying membership dues here: https://korematsupto.org/join/
Social Justice Corner:
This year we are excited to launch our Social Justice Year Long Plan. Each month we will be highlighting a different group, their achievements and contributions, and ways to carry on Fred T. Korematsu’s “Speak Up” legacy. At the start of each month, we will have a schoolwide assembly with all of our students to kick off the month of learning and celebration. Each week you can expect an update in this section of the newsletter that will keep you updated on what is being discussed at school and resources for you to use at home. We are thrilled to expand our school’s mission of social justice.
Important Dates:
Monday 8/26: First Day of School!
Wednesday 8/28: Early Release Wednesday
TK/K classes dismiss at 11:50
1st-6th classes dismiss at 1:35
Friday 8/30: Kona Ice for sale after school