Campus Updates & Reminders:
We had a very successful safety week. Our students took part in various drills throughout the week to prepare for the unlikely event of an emergency.
There have been incidents of stolen bikes, scooters, etc. from our bike racks. Many of these incidents have been happening when items that are not properly locked up. Please make sure that your child has a way to secure their item.
PTO Message:
We’ve now finished counting all of the donations from the Jog-a-thon and have raised $33,000! Great job, Coyotes! Again, a big thank you to all of our volunteers that helped make this event possible.
Korematsu Annual Spooktacular Event is coming up! PTO is looking for donations of candy or toys for trick or treating, or help before, during, or after the event! This is a great opportunity to help during the evening hours. Sign-up genius is on the PTOs website.
This is a family fun trick-or-treat movie night event host by PTO. The event is located in the quad, siblings are welcome, costumes are encouraged, (please no weapons). Pizza by the slice, popcorn, water and lemonade will be for sale.
Friday, Oct. 25th at 5:30pm trick or treat starts.
6:30pm Movie will start. We will be showing Encanto.
Social Justice Corner:
Every month we introduce our students to various social justice terms. This month we learned about:
Allyship- Using positions of power and privilege to fight mistreatment by respecting, working with, and empowering other peoples’ voices
Important Dates:
10/21: Monthly Climate Committee Meeting
10/25: Spooktacular (beginning at 5:30); more information to come later next week about the trick-or-treating routes on campus